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SLP For Jails

Vision21 launched Speed Literacy Program for Prison inmates at Mardan Central Jail in collaboration with Elementary Education Foundation and Khyber Pakhtukhwah Elementary & Secondary Education (KPESE) on Oct 1, 2017.

The special focus of the program is encouragement and the necessary support to take stock of the life experiences that have propelled the inmates into criminal activity, take responsibility for their criminal behavior, change life-long patterns of violence and addiction, and build productive lives.

For this purpose we have given special curriculum for students in which we have added Islamic hadiths and rehabilitative activities with basic subjects and also trained teachers on our curriculum and teaching methods.  We have also provided computers and sports equipment in both sections so that students could involve themselves into positive exercises.

Speed Literacy Program (SLP) for Jails is a model of Speed Education Program that aims to educate the prisoners. This program was offered to help the prison inmates get equivalence of class 3 in a period of 6 months. In their final results on average female students   got 50% and male students got 80%.

Our biggest achievement is that our students improved in very positive manners. Initially most of the women refused to study but now they take interest to sit in the class and learn. Now they say that “before coming in the jail we were living a useless life but now we have a purpose to live our life and after releasing from Jail we will have knowledge and understanding about our society.”

Mehreen said that “I never went to school and study ever but I was very fond of reading of digests but now I am very happy that I can read digests stories and write Urdu sentences. She also told us that when she came here she was not happy but now she don’t want to go back because I am learning so many things here.”

SLP For Madrassah

SLP for Madrassah was initiated in 2015 with an aim to teach the students basic literacy skills in Urdu and English and more importantly Math and science. Through our specially designed syllabus we focus on learning concepts of science and Modern age affairs to give them an exposure of different fields of knowledge and an opportunity to grow and learn in different dimensions.